We know this sounds like it’s too good to be true. It leads many skepticals to ask: is epigenetic orthodontics real? The answer is: yes, it’s very real, and for many people, it can deliver amazing results.
Everyone is familiar with the basic ladder structure of our genes. With only four bases, billions of individual data points in the human genome contain all the information necessary to build the human body and regulate its function. However, that’s only one part of the genetic structure that governs how your body grows and operates.
Another crucial part of your genetic structure is your epigenetic material. This second layer of genetic information determines which genes get turned on, when they turn on, and for how long. It’s what allows our body’s cells–which generally contain the same basic genetic information–to differentiate into many different types of cells. It also allows the body to adapt to environmental stimuli.
Understanding that the body has the genetic potential to respond to certain stimuli to grow and change lets us design orthodontic approaches in Woburn and Winchester that utilize unrealized potential to help you experience better jaw function and facial appearance.
To some extent, all orthodontics are epigenetic. By applying consistent pressure, orthodontic approaches like Invisalign encourage the body to remove bone from one side of a tooth and build it up on the other. This allows your teeth to move.
Epigenetic orthodontics in Woburn and Winchester uses the same principles; it just applies them on a larger scale with different goals. Instead of just reshaping bone around a few teeth, the goal is to reshape bone throughout the jaw and the skull. That’s why many people call epigenetic orthodontics “full-face orthodontics.”
Reshaping bone on a larger scale is how epigenetic orthodontics can achieve its far-reaching outcomes. Reshaping the jaws helps them work together better to reduce the underlying conditions that lead to TMJ.
In addition, the size and shape of your jaw influence the size and shape of your airway. Expanding the jaw structures can expand your airway so that you breathe better. You might notice better breathing during the day but also at night. An expanded airway can reduce the severity of sleep apnea. One study of an epigenetic approach to sleep apnea showed that more than one in four people treated were fully cured, and more than 80% saw an improvement by at least one category (for example, severe sleep apnea to moderate or moderate to mild).
These benefits are real, and they have the potential to be permanent. We’ve seen it in our office firsthand. We encourage you to visit our before and after gallery to check out the experiences of Catherine, Quinlin, and other real patients who have seen real benefits from epigenetic orthodontics.
Just because epigenetic orthodontics is real doesn’t mean it’s the right treatment for everyone. However, it can help many people. It might be the best approach for you if you have:
If you experience one or more of the above concerns, you should consider epigenetic orthodontics. Jaw development can potentially treat all those at the same time.
However, if you are mostly concerned about crowded teeth, it might be best to opt for traditional orthodontic approaches like Invisalign.
If you’re unsure, it’s best to talk to a Woburn and Winchester epigenetic dentist to help you decide.
If you are considering epigenetic dentistry in the Woburn and Winchester area, let Dr. Ryan Clancy at Divine Smiles help. He has helped many patients see real, lasting change with this exciting approach to helping your body achieve its full natural, healthy potential.
To learn whether he can help you, please call (781) 396-8558 or use our online form to request an appointment at the office of Divine Smiles in the Horn Pond Plaza, across from Whole Foods.
By Ryan M. Clancy, DMD, MAGD, LVIF, FPFA, FIAPA | June 7th, 2022 | Orthodontics
Dr. Ryan Clancy and every member of our team are here to help guide you to your healthiest, most confident smile. Take the first step by scheduling a full assessment of your concerns, and begin designing your ideal smile and personalized treatment plan.