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How to Get a New Smile—Quickly!

beautiful young woman with long black hair shows off her smile
At some point or another, most people encounter a situation where they loose a tooth, many teeth, or damage teeth. 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and 36 million are missing all their teeth.

Replacing your missing teeth is essential. You’ll reduce your chances of damaging your other teeth, avoid jawbone deterioration, minimize your risk of gum disease and tooth decay, and look younger. You’ll have an easy time chewing and speaking, too, when you replace your missing teeth or repair your teeth with dental restorations.

Maybe you are missing teeth from an accident, tooth decay, or gum disease. Perhaps you’re missing just one, a few in a row, or all of them, but no matter the cause and number of teeth, you can repair your natural teeth and get new teeth from Divine Smiles quickly and easily.

Impressions Made Easy

Dental anxiety from impressions is common, and we understand why. The old way of holding a mold full of a sticky, thick substance in your mouth is uncomfortable at best and anxiety and gag reflex provoking at worst. That’s why we don’t use them. We take digital impressions with our minimally invasive technology that’s pinpoint accurate.

We upload your digital impressions to our CEREC technology in our dental lab. CEREC technology allows us to make your replacement teeth or crowns here in the office.

New Teeth in a Day with CEREC

CEREC is revolutionary for dentists and patients because it means you don’t wait weeks for your new teeth. You can have your new teeth today: no impressions, no temporaries, no worries.

After taking your digital impressions, we’ll model your teeth on our computer, our in-office milling machine will create your new teeth, and then Dr. Clancy will fit your custom teeth into your mouth. CEREC can create all kinds of restorations.


A dental crown is the visible part of your tooth that we’ll create with CEREC. It’s a cap that fits over an existing tooth needing protection or a dental implant if your tooth is missing. If we can save your natural tooth, we will. We can keep the tooth and cover it with a crown if you have minor chips, cracks, or decay. If the tooth needs to be removed or is already missing, the best option is to replace it with a dental implant topped with a crown.

Dental implants can be used to replace any number of teeth and can be used with implant-supported dentures, too. The implant acts like your tooth’s root, and your crown sits on top.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are an alternative to a dental crown but only cover natural teeth. These are more conservative methods to repairing a tooth. An inlay goes on the biting surface of the tooth, and an onlay covers the biting surface and extends over the sides. We create inlays and onlays in our in-house dental lab using CEREC.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin sheets of ceramic material that cover the front of your tooth or teeth. They can repair chips, cracks, crookedness, gaps, crowding, and black triangles. We make these in our in-house dental lab too.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a teeth replacement option that uses two crowns and up to two pontics (tooth restorations between the crowns) to “bridge the gap” between natural teeth. To be a candidate, you need to be missing at least one tooth. This option is usually best when the teeth beside it either already has crowns or need repair with a crown. This is because the bridge needs two natural teeth to anchor to. Dr. Clancy creates your dental bridge in our lab using CEREC.

Our In-House Dental Lab Makes it Easy

An in-house dental lab makes repairing and replacing teeth quick and easy. You have peace of mind knowing that the same doctor who has been working with you in person is the one creating your restoration. Our in-house lab saves weeks of waiting for your new teeth, and if it’s not quite right, he’ll make alterations right then and there.

Woburn’s #1 Choice for Beautiful Dentistry

Woburn area residents choose Divine Smiles to repair their teeth because they receive their new smile fast and it turns out perfect for every patient. With all services and technology in-house, the level of care is unparalleled. Choose Dr. Clancy and the team at Divine Smiles and transform your smile today. Call (781) 396-8558 or make an appointment online today.

By Ryan M. Clancy, DMD, MAGD, LVIF, FPFA, FIAPA | March 8th, 2022 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crowns, Porcelain Veneers

Schedule Your Consultation With Premier Woburn Dentist Dr. Ryan Clancy

Dr. Ryan Clancy and every member of our team are here to help guide you to your healthiest, most confident smile. Take the first step by scheduling a full assessment of your concerns, and begin designing your ideal smile and personalized treatment plan.

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