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Dentists Secrets Revealed: How To Have Beautiful Teeth

Do you find yourself staring into the mirror wondering why you don’t have glowing, white teeth staring back at you? Perhaps you feel as though nothing you try helps you to achieve your aesthetic desires for your teeth. Our dentist is going to share some tips and secrets to help you attain beautiful, white teeth and a healthy mouth to go along with them.

It’s no secret that having nice looking, healthy and white teeth is beneficial. A study sponsored by Crest WhiteStrips, but performed by an unbiased third party even showed that people with whiter teeth are 58% more likely to be hired, 53% more likely to get a higher salary, and 54% more likely to have success when dating.

Your teeth are an integral part of every single first impression you’ll ever make. Teeth are used to help people process how old you may be and how well you take care of yourself, so they are definitely not something to be ignored.

Having healthy and white teeth requires many different facets of care and our dentist, Dr. Ryan Clancy, is going to share some tips on how to have gorgeous pearly whites.

Attractive young woman takes a walk on a beautiful day

How to Have Healthy Teeth

In order to have beautiful, white teeth, your teeth must first be healthy. Healthy teeth can only exist within a healthy, well-cared-for mouth. Our dentist suggests the following to keep your mouth healthy:

  • Establish a brushing routine — brush your teeth at least twice per day for at least two minutes. Ensure that you brush between your teeth as best as you can, brush your gums, and brush your tongue. Using an electric toothbrush may provide the most thorough cleaning, but ask Dr. Clancy to recommend a good toothbrush for you if you’re unsure. Change your electric toothbrush head or purchase a new non-electric toothbrush every three months.
  • Floss. Every. Day. — flossing often gets overlooked or considered unimportant, but it is absolutely necessary on a daily basis. Floss removes bits of food and bacteria that remain between your teeth even after you’ve brushed and is imperative to help you combat gingivitis.
  • Use an ADA-approved mouth wash — using mouthwash twice per day can help eliminate bacteria and keep your mouth clean and healthy. It is also great to use after flossing as it further eliminates any bacteria that is left behind. Our dentist can recommend a mouthwash that might be right for you if you need help deciding which one to use.
  • Use a tongue scraper — gently scraping your tongue from back to front at least once per day can help to remove a large amount of bacteria that resides in the tongue’s tissues.
  • Protect your teeth — keep your teeth strong and free from chips by protecting them from harsh items. Avoid chewing on ice, opening bottles with your teeth, or grinding your teeth.
  • Nutrition for your mouth — consume a healthy and balanced diet that gives your teeth the right amount of vitamins and minerals for healthy growth. Avoid sticky or sugary candies, sugared soda, or sugary gum.
  • Visit our dental office twice per year – we recommend visiting our dentist at least twice per year for a regular dental check up, digital X-rays, and oral cancer screening.

How to Have White Teeth

As long as you’re keeping your mouth and teeth healthy, you have the propensity to have gorgeous, white teeth. To achieve  a glisteningly white smile, here are some of the best practices that our dentist recommends:

  • Choose the right foods — eating foods or consuming drinks that are dark can stain your teeth. You may want to avoid coffee, dark tea, red wine, and dark sodas to avoid surface stains. Other foods that can stain your teeth include tomato sauce, beets, and berries. If you’re still going to consume these foods and drinks, you may want to swish your mouth wish water immediately after consumption as this may keep your enamel from absorbing as much color. Also, you can choose to sip your darkened drinks through a straw and try to avoid the liquid coming into contact with the front of your teeth.
  • Use the right toothpaste — choosing a whitening toothpaste may help remove surface stains and keep your teeth bright white. You can ask our dentist to recommend the best toothpaste for you.
  • Seek a tooth whitening treatment — at Divine Smiles, we offer in-office whitening treatments and customized, take-home treatments. Both options are customized to fit your teeth perfectly and provide deep whitening to penetrate surface stains and lighten your teeth several shades.

Maintaining Your Beautiful Smile

We hope that implementing a healthy dental regimen and following the rules for keeping your teeth white will prove beneficial for your teeth. In order to maintain your gorgeously-white teeth, we recommend that you continue to visit our dental office at least twice per year. We like to get to know our patients and their families. We will take the time to discover how you like to be cared for while at our office. And, if you get nervous while having dental work done, we offer a variety of options to keep you calm.

We look forward to treating you and your family! Contact our Woburn and Winchester dentist today to schedule an appointment by calling (781) 396-8558.

By Ryan M. Clancy, DMD, MAGD, LVIF, FPFA, FIAPA | November 25th, 2015 | General Dentistry

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